Get Ready For Your Online Hypnosis Sessions


  • Visit

  • Setup a free Zoom account

  • Install the Zoom software on your computer

*Optional* : Request a "test" call to setup technology
At least 48 hours before your appointment, email and schedule a time  to TEST your setup and the technology to confirm everything works as expected before your appointment.


  • Be settled into an environment where you will be undisturbed for the length of your appointment.

  • Click your personalized Zoom Link in your confirmation email.

Be sure to turn "on" your video and audio (see picture below)


  • Use a desktop or laptop computer for online Zoom meetings:
    For best audio/video connectivity, please join your online Zoom meeting room from a computer rather than a smartphone/mobile device. Please have it plugged in to a power source so it does not die during the session.

  • Arrive Early:
    Log in at least 5 minutes early to ensure everything is ready to go and you can connect to Zoom

  • Get Comfortable:
    Chose a comfortable chair and environment. Have a blanket and pillow available, your body temperature will drop while in hypnosis. 

  • Choose a Peaceful Environment:
    You should be in a space where you can be undisturbed for the length of your appointment. I recommend shutting and locking the door, and having animals wait outside the room. 

  • Backup method:
    If we get disconnected or the Zoom call isn't working, we'll use your backup line which is usually your phone. Have that at hand with you. 

Create a Quiet Space:
If you're in a loud or noisy environment, or you are hard of hearing you may want to invest in a nice headset that includes headphones and a microphone. If you need help with this let us know and email us at