Why Resolutions Don’t Work
and how to get the results you want
We have all made some kind of resolution, this year I’m going to eat healthier, quit smoking or drinking, stop chewing my nails or end my digital addiction. Eighty percent of Americans who make New Years resolutions report that they fail completely. Not only that, most of them fail by January 19.
Why are resolutions so hard to keep? Most people report that they failed because they lack the willpower to stick to the changes they want to make. If will power was the answer, people that succeed through sheer willpower should report higher success in achieving their resolutions. Studies tell us this isn’t the case and people who are successful in other areas of their lives through sheer willpower, fail at resolutions at almost the same rate as everyone else.
The answer lies in what a resolution really is. A resolution is something we consciously decide we need to change. Whatever the reason, it is something that we have consciously recognized that we need to change, and we make a conscious decision to make that change. We set limits, goals, and measuring devices to consciously monitor our progress.
The problem is that the habits, beliefs or behaviors that we need to change, don’t operate in our conscious mind. Bad habits, destructive beliefs and behaviors are imbedded in our subconscious mind. Our conscious mind has little control or influence on anything that is stored in the sub-conscious mind. Any influence of change the conscious mind has on the subconscious mind takes an incredible amount of energy (willpower) and an extended amount of time. No wonder we run out of willpower before we are able to change our behavior.
There is a way to succeed in keeping your resolutions. Hypnosis works in the subconscious mind to change or remove old habits, beliefs and behaviors. Through hypnosis, we can by-pass the conscious mind and go right to the source of the behavior that you want to change. Hypnosis is a very safe and effective way to achieve the results you want.
If you want to beat the odds this year and succeed at making the changes you need to make in your life, click on the Scheduling button below for a free consultation and find out how hypnosis can help you.